Ceara School

Forward Together

Sloan Street, Craigavon, County Armagh, BT66 8NY

028 3832 3312


A Special Song for everyone from our Primary Assembly Friends.

Ceara Virtual Sports Week 

Check out all the fun ideas below and instruction videos to help you.  Our staff have had great fun putting together the ideas and we hope you have fun doing them.  Don't forget to send me your pictures and videos and send them to the email address below.  Also check out the files list for some other activities around healthy living and healthy lifestyles.

Let's get active and have fun together!!

Story Time: Sports Day!

 Sports day colouring and pencil control
 Sports day English and Maths resources
 Sports Day Poster Competition.docDownload
 Sports Day Powerpoint.pptDownload
 staff videos
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Class 14 Home Learning News

This weeks pics....

Well done Liam and daddy practicing for sports day!

"Glamping" and living it up in the garden! looks like great fun Jamie!

Cheerios Sand! Jamie had great fun with this and we think the other boys in Class 14 would love it!

Well done Bradley!  We love your new haircut and its great to see you out in the sunshine :-)

Soap Foam Fun in the Sunshine  - Looks like great fun Jamie :-)

Sneak preview before the video .......Class 14 Bake off Pics so far .....

Going to the beach - Nathan's favourite place 

Bradley helping at home to make movie cupcakes. Well Done!

Riley enjoying some messy play outside! Brilliant Riley!

Home Learning Memories.....

Class 14 Home Learning Timetable 

Below is a sample timetable for you to download with coordinating Boardmaker symbols we use in our daily schedules.  We love our swimming, play park and soft play too but i will post other options for movement breaks etc as we go along.  Please check in to see our Circle Time Links, assembly videos and weekly topic planners - all ideas to help keep Class 14 busy :-)   Please enjoy trying out some of the activities but remember to do what works for you as a family and pick out things that will work with your routine.  We would love to hear what you have been getting up to and post your pics on the webpage for all your friends to see.

Please keep us up to date with whats going on!

 Home Learning timetable class 14.docxDownload
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Summer - Holidays 

It's officially summer! This month's theme is Summer and this weeks theme is holidays & ice cream!  Along with a checklist and some extra things to have fun with!

Remember all the supporting resources can be found if you scroll down - all printable and ready to go as well as a printable version of the planner in topic planners - when you download just click any of the links written in blue and they will take you straight to the song or activity.   You'll also find our previous theme planners there too.

Remember have fun and enjoy!

Storytime with Mrs Bowles 

Monkey Puzzle

PDMU Challenge 

Beach ball throw! How many times can you  throw and catch without dropping the beach ball?

Use the board to learn about sun safety -putting on sun cream 


DIY Solar Oven

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Play and Topic Planners 

 Play Planners
 Topic Planners
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Ice cream in a bag

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Sensory Circuits/Movement breaks

Movement breaks really help Class 14 to learn to the best of their ability and help us self regulate our emotions.  We love swimming, outdoor play, soft play and especially our play park.  Another thing that helps us is our sensory circuits and exercises.  You can set these up at home using furniture from around the house but here are some examples of things we have done .

Joe Wicks Body coach is doing live children's exercise classes which are great fun! Here's Monday's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz0go1pTda8

Go Noodle is another fun way to get moving inside https://www.gonoodle.com/

Also remember to check in regularly to our therapy page for lots of ideas https://www.cearaschool.co.uk/home-learning/speech-and-language-therapy

Some brilliant ideas for sensory breaks and self regulation from Middletown Centre of Autism https://www.middletownautism.com/

Some of you might might recognise these faces helping us stay active at home and giving Joe Wicks a run for his money :-)

 PE / Movement & Sensory Breaks
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The Arts 

Thank you to RiChmusicni who sent us this lovely link so they can help you with music at home

https://www.facebook.com/RiChmusicNI/videos/532305250788288/. Happy playing!

Also we came across this lovely music therapy site with some great ideas and songs www.musictherapyworks.co.uk for you to check out.


Check out this weeks assembly in the  Primary Assembly section!.  https://youtu.be/6XFBI_uXf8s

Remember to click into Home Learning - Primary Assembly to meet Mrs Grant and her weekly puppet show!

https://www.cearaschool.co.uk/home-learning/primary-assembly  A fantastic way for a mini assembly in your home. 


Mrs Bowles is also going to help us all learn bible stories in a sensory way.  This week is Moses and the story of Passover

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Parent folder
 car car truck jeep MP4.MP4Download
 Copy of Superworm.movDownload
 Dig Dig Digging .movDownload
 Hungry Caterpillar.movDownload
 monkey puzzle.MP4Download
 peppa nature trail.mp4Download
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Attention Autism - 'Bucket Time'

Next weeks attention autism session is on one of our stories - Super worm and also 'The tiger who came to tea! dont miss those on 'Gina Davis Autism Centre' Facebook page. 

Other useful info 

Middletown has some fantastic webinars that can be assessed on their website or facebook page - these include promoting sleep, anxiety and managing meltowns.  Even if your missed the webinars you can still view the presentations here https://www.middletownautism.com/

Parent folder
 Corronavirus related resources
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